Grab my new series, "Courageous Hearts of the West", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Four years later, they were still a working partnership but to allow Indigo to keep on working, Ella was now nanny to the toddler that was Carroll Hammond. He was dark-haired like his handsome dad and Ella adored him.
Julia felt the same and often had the boy for a whole day at a time. Carroll was still managing to direct operations at the new and now very large hospital. They had bought a beautiful house that Damon found for them and settled into a new life away from New York.
Julia’s friendship with Geraldine was good for both of them and sometimes the place was like a nursery. Damon and Hettie had twin girls that were eighteen months old and two little villains.
Indigo was having a rare day off and sitting with Hettie. The three children were being good and playing with some wooden toys. Carroll was like a big brother to the twins but they were almost too lively for him.
“Those two are just like you,” Indigo observed to her friend.
“At least they are not ginger, thank goodness,” Hettie laughed.
The two were sitting in the orangery that Indigo had finally managed to acquire. With more patients, and the little boy, they had decided to search for somewhere with a bit more space.
“The garden will take me a long time to make beautiful but I like that idea,” Indigo said. She dipped her fingers in the bowl of water into which trickled a tine stream of water. It was diverted from a natural stream and ran out again down a channel down the natural slope of the garden. “This place is my idea of heaven,” she admitted. “I have real oranges on the trees and peaches on the wall.”
“And the most handsome and talented doctor to share it with you,” Hettie added.
“He has been so successful at these operations and he is now in demand from all over the place.” She smiled. “I am just plain old Doctor Missus Hammond now and he is THE Doctor Hammond. I just love that I can help people and enjoy little Carroll as well.”
“Damon is so good at finding the right house for clients. This one is perfect for you and Gregory. Not too far from the hospital with rooms to see clients and your wonderful garden.” Indigo laughed.
“And didn’t he find you the most impressive house in the county at a price that he could afford?”
“It is what he loves to do.”
“With your wild red hair and his bouncy personality, no wonder the twins are crazy.” She paused. “I loved bringing them into the world. In fact, I enjoy helping women have babies. Gregory is not keen and leaves me to it.” Then she added that having it yourself was a lot harder than helping other people.
“But worth it,” Hettie picked up the serious -minded little boy and sat him on her knee.
“Thanks for coming over and spending the day,” Indigo said. “I do appreciate a day off sometimes.”
Ella knocked and came into the orangery.
“The woman at the door asking to see you is Missus Asher, Ophelia’s mother.”
“Good heavens,” Indigo exclaimed. “Did she say what she wanted or where she has been?” Ella shook her head.
“Will I put her in the surgery?” Ella asked. “She might want a doctor.”
“Good idea,” Indigo said and asked Hettie to stay with the children. “What on earth does she want to see me for.” She went into the surgery and found the woman pacing the floor and nibbling at her fingers in agitation. The woman looked ten years older than she had looked the last time Indigo had seen her.
“Hello, Missus Asher. How can I help you?”
“Oh, Missus Hammond. Please fogive me for coming here but I am quite desperate for someone to help.”
“Sit down and tell me about it,” Indigo said and the woman sat in a chair.
“First of all. Let me apologise for my husband and my daughter, Evelyn. They caused you a lot of trouble. My husband is still in jail and I moved away so that I could change my name and start a different life. I was so ashamed.” She paused. “I took Evelyn with me although she did not deserve it and hoped that she would grow up and see some sense.”
“Where have you been living?” Indigo asked and the woman told her.
“My silly daughter found a man that she liked. I told her he was not to be trusted and now she is in labour in the hotel and I need somebody to help me.” The woman broke down and cried and Indigo went to bring her a glass of water. She asked about the labour and how far along the girl was and then called for Ella. She explained the tale briefly and asked Ella to take the carriage with Missus Asher and bring Evelyn to the surgery.
Ella always took everything in her stride and simply went out to hitch up the carriage. She did pass through the orangery and pass the information on to Hettie.
“Oh Lord,” Hettie said and when the carriage drove away came through to see Indigo.
“What will you do?”
“I have no choice but to deliver the baby and try to make sure it is safe and well.”
“Shall I ride to the hospital and find Gregory? I won’t be long and the children are in the playpen.”
“Good idea, thanks.” Hettie grabbed her coat and although she had arrived in a small carriage, she took the horse and rode it as fast as she could to the hospital. Gregory listened, told the others he had a call to make and went for his own horse. Hettie detoured to Geraldine and told her what had happened and then hurried back to take care of the children.
Ella had brought back Missus Asher and Evelyn who was well into labour and struggled onto the bed in the surgery.
“Ella, can you find Missus Asher something to eat and drink please and I will have a look at Evelyn.”
Evelyn was in a panic. Indigo held her hand.
“Listen to me. The baby will be born. You have to help. When the pain starts do not fight it. Take lots of breaths and pant like a dog with its tongue out.” That gained the ghost of a smile. “I know that sounds silly but it does help. Let me have a look.”
“I am not married you know. Mom said nobody would help me.” Then the next pain came along and finished any conversation.
“Won’t be long and you will be a mom yourself,” Indigo told her. “A new life is always wonderful whether you are married or not.”
Gregory put his head around the door and saw that everything was under control. He went and brought Indigo a coffee and spoke to Evelyn.
“You moved away, didn’t you?” he asked and the girl said that was right.
“We never knew where Ophelia went and we moved away and lost contact with her.” Then she screamed again and grabbed for Indigo. Gregory reached for her hand and told her to hang on tight.
“My wife is good at this.” Evelyn gave one final long scream and Indigo held a wet body that was a little boy.
“You have a son, Evelyn.” Gregory passed his wife some scissors and she cut the baby free. They had a routine with this sort of thing and Indigo made sure Evelyn was fine as Gregory cleared the baby’s breathing passages and tapped him on the bottom to prove the lungs were working. The baby was dried and wrapped in a big towel. Evelyn held her baby son and they called in the grandmother.
“Babies,” Indigo remarked as she washed her hands. “Bring their own love with them. He doesn’t know that you are not married. He just wants his mom and his grandmom.”
“Thank you,” Missus Asher said to them and took the little bundle from her daughter. Indigo smiled.
“You lost touch with Ophelia?” The woman looked up and nodded.
“I don’t blame her but I would like to see her again.” Indigo glanced at Gregory who came and stood beside her.
“This is your third grandchild, Missus Asher,” he said. “You have two granddaughters as well. Vincent is completely besotted with both of them. They will wind him around their little fingers and he will love it.”
“The first one was born nine months after the wedding. I have been lucky enough to deliver all three of your descendants,” Indigo said.
“I am lost for words,” the woman said.
“Do you think Ophelia will speak to me?” Evelyn asked. “She said that she disowned me and never wanted to see me again.”
“I will ride out and tell them and see what they say,” Gregory said. “You sit back and recover.”
“That baby says he is hungry,” Indigo remarked. She laughed and said to Missus Asher that she was sure she remembered what to do.” The two doctors went out and left the new mom to find out to feed her newly born boy.
Hettie was sitting at the kitchen table with Ella. Indigo joined them and wondered what Ophelia and Vincent would say.
“And where do they stay until Evelyn is recovered?” Hettie asked.
“I know it is just idle curiosity but I wonder how they have managed in the last four years,” Indigo added.
“I can cook,” Missus Asher’s voice said from the doorway. “Sorry to interrupt. We will find somewhere to stay. I will have to pay you for your help.”
Indigo went and brought the woman to the table.
“Sit and have something to eat. There is no need to go anywhere just now. Sorry I was being nosey.”
Ella went to find something for the woman to eat and they heard that Jeannie Asher had changed her name to Jeannie Jerome.
“I worked in a hotel kitchen and they gave me a room. Evelyn worked there as well and we shared the room.” She added that Evelyn had never settled but the woman had managed to find work that let her rent a small house. “Evelyn finally worked in a bar where she could dress up and dance around. She seemed happy enough when she met the man called Sam but I knew he was no good. We say she is Missus Conte for appearance’s sake.”
“Does she never use her sewing skills at all?” Hettie asked. “She made lovely costumes.”
“I think it reminded her of how silly she had been and she pushed it to one side.”
“The baby,” Ella remarked as she put food in front of the visitor, “will put her feet on the ground.”
“We will leave Evelyn and the baby in that surgery. We can use the other one for patients. You must have a room here until you decide what is best to do,” Indigo told her. The woman stopped with food halfway to her mouth.
“I cannot do that after what my family did to you,” she said.
“Eat,” Indigo commanded. “Who is in charge here?” Then she told the woman that Ophelia and Vincent were ridiculously happy. “I know it was hard to believe but they love each other so much, you can almost feel it.”
“I am glad about that,” Jeannie said and finished the cold meat and bread that Ella had provided.
“I have some chicken soup. “I will see if Evelyn can eat something now,” Ella said and came back to ladle a bowl of soup for the new mother.
“Take your coffee and keep her company,” Indigo suggested. Hettie wanted to see the baby and they all ended up in the surgery.
“Let me hold him, please,” Hettie asked and took the little man. “What will you call him?” She pulled the towel away and the little face looked so peaceful and was sound asleep.
“What about Hammond?” Ella suggested.
“Would that be okay?” Evelyn asked. Indigo smiled.
“I would love it.”
“Hammond Conte,” Hettie said. “It sounds good.” Then she decided that she should get the two little ones home. As if on cue, Damon appeared and was told what had happened. As usual, he took everything in his stride, looked at the baby and told Jeannie that the bakery wereshort handed.
“Damon is the eyes and ears of this town,” Indigo put in.
“It would be a relief to have work,” Jeannie Jerome said and he said he would talk to the baker for her. She came to look at the two naughty babies and gave a natural smile for the first time since she arrived on the doorstep.
Ella had brought in little Carroll and he pottered about in the kitchen and came to show the visitor his rather raggy stuffed toy. She picked him up and told him it was a lovely rabbit.
About two hours after Gregory left there was a large carriage driven around the rear of the house and Ella went to open the door.
“Where are they?” Ophelia cried and rushed inside the kitchen. Her mother stood up with a worried look on her face and almost shrank way. Ophelia either didn’t notice or pretended not to. She simply hurled herself across the room and took her mother in a bear hug.
“I thought I would never see you again,” she cried with tears on her cheeks.
“You don’t hate me for letting your father do what he did?” Ophelia held her mother by the shoulders.
“No matter where you go or what you do, you always need your mom.” Then she held her mother close again as Vincent Rolfe stood in the doorway with a daughter in each arm. “Come and say hello to Vincent and the girls.”
The man was a picture of health and happiness. Gone were the black clothes and gunbelts although he did carry a gun because he worked on the range. As Indigo had already said, he looked ridiculously happy.
“This is Jean Vinnie,” Ophelia said of the four year old, “and this is Hettie Indigo.” The kitchen was full of children and adults and chatter and tears. “This your granny,” Ophelia added to little Jean and the woman held out her arms.
“Three grandchildren in one day is a lot to take in,” Jeannie said and Ella remarked that the little girl was the model of her gran.
“Is Evelyn up to seeing us?” Ophelia asked Indigo.
“I’ll check.” She came back and nodded. They filed into the surgery and Evelyn had the same worried look that her mother had worn.
“I am so sorry, Ophelia,” she said.
“Lotta water under the bridge in four years, sis,” she said and went to kiss her sister on the forehead and take the baby in her arms. They sat Jean Vinnie on the bed and Indigo held Hettie Indigo. Then she passed the little one to Vincent and left the family to catch up.
She, Gregory and Ella sat in the kitchen and Carroll went back to his wooden blocks.
“What a day?” Indigo said.
“Is it ending well?” Gregory queried.
“Hope so,” Ella added and went to stir the pot on the stove. She turned. “I could use some cooking help here for a little while if Jeannie will do it?”
“She will be better with something to do,” Gregory answered.
“Say night night and we will go to bed,” Indigo said to her son and he hugged Ella and his dad. She took him off and settled him down. “You are a good boy, my little one.” She kissed him on the nose and he smiled as his eyes closed. She tiptoed away.
“I think Evelyn needs to rest now,” Gregory said and the rest of the family came back into the living room. He mentioned to Jeannie that if she was prepared to help in the kitchen for a few days until something else came along, she could have a room and some payment.
“Thank you so much,” she said. “We will pay everything we owe you.”
Then Vincent enthused about the new partnership he was making with Jose Garcia.
“He is fantastic with horses and they are starting a breeding program,” Ophelia said and beamed at her husband. “I am just the luckiest woman in the world.” She was holding the younger child in her arms and the older one was lying on the sofa. They were both feeling tired after a long day and then the drive into town.
There was a knock at the door and Gregory went thinking it would be a patient needing help. Instead of which he was met by GroatMeeson and Liz Jefferson and the barrels of two guns. Groat put his foot inside the door and forced Gregory back into the living room.
“Ah, the whole greedy family,” Liz Jefferson said. “Where is the money that you took from my house?”
“How much are you talking about?” Gregory asked. They gave him a figure and it was a large amount.
“What a lot of rubbish, Indigo joined in. “You are making that up.”
“If my husband had it conned out of him, then whatever it was should have been mine anyway<” Jeannie said. Ophelia put the little one on the sofa and put her body in front of it. Vincent had slid the older child behind him as well.
“I did my time in jail and I want the money I had left behind,” GroatMeeson said.
“Between the lot of you, it should be possible to pay up what you owe,” Liz said.
“For heaven’s sake,” Indigo was exasperated. “Find yourselves a job and think about the future. The past is gone.”
“I was paid by the Asher man and the money is gone,” Groat said.
“Well we didn’t take it. I have been working as a cook to keep body and soul together,” Jeannie said.
“Where is the delightful Evelyn?” Liz Jefferson said sarcastically. “Play acting as usual?”
“She is here,” Evelyn said and appeared at the doorway with the baby in her arms. “I had a baby about four hours ago.”
“Bet there is no father,” Liz answered derisively.
“You are one nasty woman and do not have a leg to stand on. You have been sleeping with this revolting creature for years. Your proper husband had the sense to walk away and not come back. You are as greedy and as nasty as each other. I know who took the money Liz Jefferson and it was you.”
GroatMeeson gasped and half turned to Liz Jefferson. His gun pointed at Ophelia and Vincent slid to his feet, took the gun from the holster, aimed and fired in one long, fluid movement. Both Liz and Groat were shot before they could respond and sank to the floor. Liz clutching her arm and Groat his thigh. The guns dropped to the floor and Cranston, the sheriff stepped in from the kitchen with gun in hand and took over the situation. Ella followed him inside and took a seat as she recovered from the run to find the man.
“I heard all of that. You forced your way into a house and demanded money. If the doctors patch you up, you can both go back to jail. You would think you had learned your lesson by now.” He took their guns and helped Gregory take the Meeson man into his room for operations. There were to beds in there and they put Liz Jefferson on the other one.
“You take the woman,” Gregory said to his wife and Indigo looked at the Jefferson woman’s arm.
“I’ll clean it and bandage it. The bullet nicked the side,” Indigo said. She thrust to one side in her brain that she did not want to touch the awful woman and was quite liberal with the whisky to clean it. The woman drew in a deep breath and bit her lip to keep from shouting. Indigo bandaged the wound.
“You’ll live,” she said dismissively. Then she handed Gregory the tweezers he was after and he found the bullet in the thigh. Meeson groaned as it came out but then shouted as the whisky hit the open flesh. That wound was bandaged and the sheriff asked if he could borrow some help to get them to jail.
“My wagon is out back. I’ll drive you down,” Vincent said. “Never ever thought that I would be acting as deputy to the sheriff.” The two intruders were taken away and Indigo slumped into a chair.
“I always treat anybody but I must admit, I did not want to touch that woman.”
“But you did,” Gregory told her. “Doctor to the core, you are.” He kissed the top of her head and Ella brought a new bottle of whisky and some glasses.
“Lemonade for the new mom,” she said.
“I think that seems to put that to rest,” Gregory said.
“Well, there is one other thing I want to apologise for,” Jeannie Jerome said and dug into her capacious bag. “When I cleared out the house and moved away, I found these in my husband’s desk. I don’t know why he had them and I didn’t want to talk to anyone, so I took them with me.”
She handed over about six letters to Indigo. All were addressed to Indigo Seaton and two were in Hettie’s handwriting. The others were in her father’s distinctive hand.
“Another mystery solved. Thank you,” Indigo said. “We thought that Meeson had probably taken them but we could not work out why.”
“My husband was not above a little blackmail when it suited him. He made a lot of money but much of it was not obtained in a good way. I turned a blind eye and I should have spoken out.”
“That,” Indigo said and took the woman’s hand, “is the most difficult thing to do. It is a sort of blackmail that some men hold over women. You are free of him now.”
“And I have three gorgeous grandchildren. What a way to start a new life.”
Vincent came back and said the two were in cells.
“You haven’t lost the smooth touch with that gun,” Indigo observed.
“It came in darned useful,” Gregory said. Jeannie hugged her tow grand daughters and the family set off for home.
“I will come back tomorrow and see if you need anything, mom,” Ophelia said. Jeannie had tears in her eyes as she went back to sit with Evelyn.
Indigo and Gregory sat on the sofa and held hands.
“You are one wonderful woman, my lovely wife. Beauty, brains, a great doctor and a forgiving heart.”
“And the best husband in the whole wide world, a fabulous son who looks just like his dad, a garden, an orangery, true love that will last forever,” she laughed as Pickle jumped on her knee, “And a handsome ginger cat.”
“I love you , Missus Hammond.”
“And I love you right back there, Doctor Hammond. Happy ever after, Gregory. Happy ever after.”
Grab my new series, "Courageous Hearts of the West", and get 2 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello there, dear readers. I hope you enjoyed the story and this Extended Epilogue! I will be waiting for your comments below. Thank you so much!
Fabulous story. Once I started I could not put it down.
The characters were so believable. It had just the right amount of humor. I loved it!
Loved the book and the epilog.
Kept my interest and had problems putting it down and couldn’t wait to be able to have time to pick it up and read more!
An absolute pleasure reading this book. I will give it 5 stars
There are many twists and turns on this story. Indigo and Gerald and their multitude of friends and mystery. Intriguing situations are wonderful!!!!!! Enjoy 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
Wonderful book and epilogue. Enjoyed every word of it. All the characters were terrific. I didn’t want to put my reader down.
Thank you, dear!
Thoroughly enjoyable and exciting story with many believable twists and turns!
Thank you so much!
Having been a former nurse, many years ago, do remember reading about Florence Nightengail and loved you bringing in infection control issues and the beginning methods of cleanliness and hydration for patients suffering from Cholera. Plus also loved the love stories shared by your characters!
Loved this book thank you. I enjoyed how the families came together at the end with her forgiveness. We all need to learn to forgive and forget. Looking forward to read more of your books.
A delightful story. I felt like reading right through day and night. There wasn’t A dull moment.
My husband was Doctor “William” Hammond. PHD. He was a professor of engineering. Sooo I was especially fond of Gregory. Thank you.
Thank you for your kind words!
Smashing book I read from the start to finish .The story was brilliant and I loved all the characters each had their own
personality and it all blended together beautifully.
😍 Loved it
Thank you so much!
This was a very good book. I really enjoyed it. I enjoy the books that go back to early medicine and herb usage. This was a great love story also with so many couples in the book. I give you 5 stars thank you for a good refreshing book.
Thank you!
Thank you for a wonderful story I really enjoyed reading this and I hope to see more books by you
Thank you so much!
This story made very interesting reading Elaine. It flowed along at such a fast pace with Indigo and Gregory seemingly having a mostly charmed life, and all of those awkward loose ends were tidied up happily in the epilogue. I do not know how historically correct the events are but it made a good story.
A truly outstanding story ! Very well written and very hard to put down – the extended epilogue again outstanding , one has a hard time not getting into your stories . Well done.
What a great story. Lots of twists and turns. Characters were funny and dedicated to their passions. I love the extended epilogue. Gregory and Indigo made a great team/couple.
Great story couldn’t put it down
I loved the book and the extended epilogue. I look forward to reading more of your books.
Thank you!
This was the best story. I was riveted from the beginning and had a hard time putting it down. Well written and suspenseful!
Fascinating story with lots of twists and turns. Hated that it came to an end
A thrilling story with lots of action. Becoming a lady doctor in a time that it was unheard of. Overcoming a lot of objections and danger.
I loved the story. Lots of action, a sweet romance or two or three, and the opportunity for Indigo to do what she loved to do, help people who needed medical help.
Loved this book and the extended epilogue. This is the first book I have read of yours but it will not be my last. Your story line and characters are real enough to get lost in. I read this one in one sitting, much to my husband’s dismay as dinner was quite late.
Enjoyed very much. Lots of twist and turns. Interesting about all the plants the used for healing.
Wonderful story. Fiction it might be but the environment about some people’s views of women as doctors or any other roles was real. Just as real is the way ignorance and greed lead to so much evil no matter what century it is. And the challenges of doctoring, the original opposition to new methods was completely realistic and did happen….still does.
Some things need to go back to those times when natural herbs helped so much more than a load of chemical ingredients with so many side effects.
The story lines were interesting and mesmerizing – waiting to see how everything turned out. There was romance and hate, peace and activity, mystery and mayhem, every element there to make a great tale. Thank you for a wonderful read.
Very good book and the extended epilogue adds even more to the story with a little danger.
The adventure started out with a bump into travel weary man. The mail order bride suddenly found out the groom was dead, and had died of cholera no less. She needs a place to stay, a job with income that will support her. The job she wants is to practice medicine – an unheard of thing even if she was out west. The first friendly face, is a judge’s son. Everything, she needs to start her life, he helps to arrange. His best friend just happens to be a doctor who needs an assistant. The best friend is the weary traveler, and everything takes off at full steam. A gunslinger , it seems to be a source of trouble too. There are many health issues to conquer, and who can believe the town gossip!
I just loved this book, could not put it down.
What a joy to read.
Thank you!
Loved this book from the time I started reading it today till I finished it before going to bed! I’ve read several of your books and this extended-epilogue was one of the best. Of to search for another one of your books
Thank you for your kind words!
I enjoyed the book.. I read every day.
Absolutely loved this five star story! With all the craziness, hopes, and dreams it was very difficult to put down. Keep writing these heart felt dramas.
Thank you!
Absolutely love Indigo and Gregory. So nice to read about really good people with faith in their lives. All of the characters were very interesting and didn’t want the story to end. Keep writing wonderful books of love, faith and forgiveness. We can use all we can get in this crazy world we live in today.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I truly appreciate it!
I really enjoyed reading this book and extended episode. I didn’t want to put it down. Indigo and Gregory had a lot of drama, romance, danger, and of course forgiveness. Keep up the good writing. Can’t wait for another great read like this one.
Thank you, dear! So glad you enjoyed the story!
A wonderful 5 star story. I am a retired RN and enjoyed all the medical stories as well as all the other parts. I will look forward to reading other books written by you.
Thank you so much!
Loved the book. Lots of twists , did not want to put it down once started. 5 stars
I’m so so glad you liked it!
I really loved this book. Lots of characters, plots, excitement and human emotions. It was hard to put down. One of the best that I have read recently. I look forward to reading more by Ms. Shields. I highly recommend this book.
This is a very good story and extended and A enjoyable read
This was truly a great read. It’s a true tale of how things were back in the nineteenth century.
Thank you!
My comments would be what everyone else has said. I will include that this story was full of a whole community of characters and even a kitten. SO MUCH happened in a short amount of time, and the extended epilogue was a gem.
The medical references were very interesting.
Loved it, from start to finish ,
One of best I’ve read, good time line, interesting plot, fascinating characters, believable events,very few typos so good editing and a happy ending!I would rate it with a solid 5 Stars..
Thank you for your kind words!